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Flashback Actors Make Somerset their Sta...

On Tuesday, April 18, Flashback Theater Co. (FbTC) is touring the town with a group of actors ready to perform in order to bring attention to Kentucky Giving Day. The actors are going to be making stops around Somerset throughout the day to perform scenes and monologues at businesses and public spaces. The goal is to […]

Dance Auditions for Musical Theater

A dance workshop for actors and singers July 10-14, 2017 | 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. daily 107 N. Main St. Somerset, Kentucky Cost: $70 Remaining Seats: 11 Deadline to register: July 1, 2017 Get an overview of the dance audition process for musical theater with this week long dance intensive. You will focus on […]

Cast will Travel Around the World at Sto...

In February and March, audiences will be able to experience the classic tale by Jules Verne in a modern and quick-paced adaptation. Flashback Theater Co. takes this production to Stoner Little Theatre on the campus of Somerset Community College in February and March and will feature several debut performances from local actors. In Around the […]

Let’s Play! Teaches Actors the Importanc

Flashback Theater’s Let’s Play! Second Saturday workshop series continues with an all new theme, Silent Movies. For this workshop, participants will get to learn about using their bodies to portray various characters and  tell an array of stories- without dialogue. While theatre is dialogue driven, good theatre is not dialogue dependent. We use our bodies […]